Monday, February 20, 2012

This is a test post

Sunday, February 19, 2012

What a simplified procedure for email subscription

Come this is the edited blog
Email Newsletter subscription

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Microcontrollers Tutorials

This post helps you how to use microcontrollers

Micro-controllers are used to work in the way the user wants, the user should write a program in c language using Mplab. In this tutorial you will be taught how to glow an led, which is a most fundamental thing to be done with micro-controllers.

Mplab and MCC18 Software:

Download links:

Download,install Mplab and Mcc18 softwares, during installation of mcc18, click all the check boxes to integrate all the files of mcc18 to mplab.

Mplab Configuration:

1.Open mplab, Click configure->select device->PIC18F4550->ok.

2.Click Project->project wizard->next->next, change Active Toolsuite->Microchip C18 Toolsuite->next.

3.Click Browse,then create a new folder with name mplab,then open the folder and save the project as Tutorials, then click Next->finish.

4.Now open->Notepad , then save as Tutorials.c , in new folder you created in the previous step and close the notepad.

5.Now Right click on Source files->Add files, in the same window browse for the Tutorials.c file , then click open.

6.Now Right click on Header files->Add files, in the same window go to C:\MCC18\h , then select 18f4550.h file and click open it.

7.Now Right click on Linker Script->Add files, in the same window go to C:\MCC18\lkr , then select 18f4550.lkr file and click open.

8.Click Project->Build Options->project, select Directories->Show directories for->Include search path->new....paste C:\MCC18\h
select Library Search path->new... paste C:\MCC18\lib, then select Linker-script search path->new..paste C:\MCC18\lkr.


1.Double click on Tutorial.c under source files.
2.Copy and paste the Code.



void main(){

OSCCONbits.IRCF0=1; //Internal oscillator intialization

TRISB=0; //Directing the portb as output port

while(1){ //Infinite loop
PORTB=0xFF; //0xFF=11111111 All the 8pins in portb are made 1 or'on'

3.Then save the file, then click ctrl+F10 to build the file.
4.A message saying "BUILD SUCCEEDED" appear.

All done in the software part


The things needed before proceeding are

1.Microcontoller Pic 1
2.Pic Burner 1
3.Bread Board 1
4.Two batterys(1.5v) 2
5.Leds 1
6.Connecting wires

1.Microcontroller Pic (18f4550-40):

The above mentioned pic is available in many varieties, for a common approach, i selected this series. It has 40 pins.
It is available in selected Electronics shops or you can order samples from microchip.

For ordering samples visit:
But you need a register with a valid recognized institutional email id
For ssn college of engineering students use your own college email id to register.
They charge a shipment of fee : 7.50 USD

2.Pic Burner:

I use Pickit 2 burner, which has a usb connector alone which very easy to burn the all most all pic ics.